More of MY Stuff

I have written several books over the years. My writing has been reflective of my personal journey through the internal arts. I am a seeker – I move forward as best I can and share what I learn as I go. My writing history is reflected on my Amazon Author’s page (click on the books image above). I’ve taken some of the books off-line as they have been superseded by newer books.
Good Stuff from other Authors
I have listed some books below that I have found helpful along the way. You can find more suggestions in the Bibliographies of my books, but these are special – they impacted me at a more personal level.
Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Gunaratana
This is a very clear and helpful book about Vipassana (Insight Meditation). I recommend it for those interested in digging deeper into the application of meditation. It will focus the perspective of what meditation is supposed to do and how it is supposed to work.

Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
This is an answer book for the process of enlightenment. It will be helpful when it comes to understanding the role of the ego as an impediment to enlightenment.

I am That: Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
As with the Ramana book above, Nisargadatta provides a roadmap to the process of enlightenment. If you have a question about self-realization, the most coherent answer will be found in these books.

My Teacher; Huai Hsiang (aka Howard) Wang and Prana Dynamics

I began studying with Howard in July of 2021 and his Prana Dynamics Master Program. I recognized immediately that Howard is the “real deal”. He teaches with clarity and directness born of personal experience. I recommend that anyone seriously interested in the internal arts and the path to self-realization take the time and make the investment to study with Howard. His guidance has been invaluable in bringing all the pieces together for me.
Follow this link to his web site. There is a tremendous amount of information available there.